Sports Mouthguards
Sports mouthguards are important for people who play contact or ball sports such as Rugby, Football and Hockey. Sports mouthguards provide cushioning to protect against injury. We can make you a custom-made rubber covering to wear over your teeth to protect them from damage, such as chipped or broken teeth.
To provide your mouthguard you will need two appointments, the first will be to take impressions or a 3D scan of your teeth and gums. We then send this information to our dental laboratory to make your mouthguard. The second appointment will be to fit the mouthguard and show you how to use it effectively.
We can provide sports mouthguards for adults and children. For children, as their teeth grow and change, their mouthguards will need to be replaced regularly to ensure they fit properly.
Bruxism/Teeth Grinding Mouthguards
We can provide you with a mouthguard to help protect your teeth from the effects of bruxism (tooth grinding) which are generally worn when you are sleeping. The process of creating them for you is like other mouthguards, with two appointments needed to complete your treatment.
We also offer masseter treatment with Dr Jenny Dorward using injections to help the muscles. You can book a free consultation with Jenny to find out if this treatment is suitable for you.
Snoring Mouthguards
Patients with snoring issues should first see a medical professional, such as your GP, to receive a diagnosis. During sleep, the soft tissues and muscles in your throat and mouth relax, which can cause snoring. There are dental appliances that can be made for you to help with your snoring symptoms, and you can discuss these with your dentist once your GP has ruled out other causes.