Teeth Whitening

If you are self-conscious about the shade of your teeth or if you have staining on some of your teeth, professional teeth whitening treatment is a safe and recommended option for you to consider.

Home teeth whitening kits lighten the teeth gradually. The trays with whitening gel can be worn for a short period during the day or overnight. With all whitening treatment, individual results will vary and are dependent on your initial tooth colour and the nature of your tooth staining.


To complete your teeth whitening you will attend two appointments. The first will be to take impressions or a 3D scan of your teeth. This information is then sent to our dental lab to make custom trays for you. At your second appointment, you will be fitted with your trays and shown how to use them and the whitening gel.

You can purchase additional whitening gel when you have run out, after a prescription is written by your dentist.

You can discuss how your treatment works, what will happen in your appointments, and how you can pay for your treatment by speaking with our Patient Care Coordinator Phoebe.