As your local dentist in Sheffield we pride ourselves on cultivating the most professional and friendly dental care team. From your first contact with us, we want you to feel welcome, understood and looked after. We would like to introduce you to our team at Sandygate Dental. We believe a radiant smile begins with your overall health, and our team are here to support you and your family.
John Alesbrook
John is our Principal Dentist and Owner of Sandygate Dental. John has qualified in placing dental implants and has trained to provide Invisalign in Sheffield. John spent 14 years mentoring newly qualified dentists, and his students’ quality and dedication is exemplified by two of them returning as Associate Dentists! John enjoys helping his patients and making people feel welcome at our independently owned Practice in his local community.
Christopher Oldfield
Known as Chris to his patients and colleagues, he continues to develop his knowledge and skills through further training and qualifications, with a special interest in restorative dentistry. Having grown up in the area, working for a local dentist in Sheffield means he can help make a difference in the community we serve. Chris has also recently completed postgraduate training enhancing his skills in restorative dentistry, called Prosthodontics.
Emily Denby
Emily works with her patients at Sandygate Dental to help improve their long-term oral health, through preventative care and education.
Dental nurses:
Phoebe Eyre
Phoebe is our Patient Care Co-ordinator and Lead Dental Nurse. Phoebe works with our patients and dentists to ensure a smooth treatment journey and runs her own clinics to help patients understand their treatment and finance options. At Sandygate Dental, we work with our patients to help their ongoing wellbeing.
Mya Boswell
Mya joined Sandygate Dental in March 2022 as an apprentice dental nurse and passed her Dental Nursing Apprenticeship in January 2024.
Lucy Watson
Lucy is one of our dental nurses, and our Infection Prevention and Control Lead. Lucy’s duties include in-practice training with our team here at Sandygate Dental. Lucy is currently on maternity leave with her beautiful baby boy!
Lawza Mohsen
Lawza joined Sandygate Dental as a Trainee Dental Nurse in October 2023, and enjoys working for a local dentist in Sheffield. She is developing her knowledge and skills whilst working with our dedicated team.
Support team:
Emma Watts
Emma is our Practice Manager, and the longest serving member of the team here at Sandygate Dental. Emma started as an apprentice dental nurse when she left school, and has invested in her continued professional development, being promoted to Practice Manager in 2021. Emma’s dedication to Sandygate Dental has made our Practice, your local dentist in Sheffield, the best it can be.
Nicola Alesbrook
Nicola is Business Manager and co-owner of Sandygate Dental. As your local dentist in Sheffield, John and Nicola work together to ensure our Practice continues to grow and to consistently improve the patient experience. In their fifteen years of ownership John and Nicola have been focussed on encouraging more people to prioritise their oral health and visit the dentist.
Verity Portman
Verity joined us in 2022 on reception after having spent over 19 years working in the Medical Insurance Industry, the majority of that time spent working for Aviva Health in Sheffield. Verity enjoys getting to know our patients and helps with patient enquiries at Sandygate Dental.
Loti Smith
Loti is our Receptionist and Marketing Communications Administrator. Loti works to help promote Sandygate Dental and the services that we can offer patients as a local dentist in Sheffield.
How we can help you
Would you like to find out how our team can help you? Click here to find out more about why you should choose us for your dental care.
Our Reviews
We encourage feedback from our patients, so that we can continuously improve our services. You can view our latest reviews on Working Feedback.